
Admin/ August 31, 2020/ Kin17天上人間

Kingsly Tam個人簡介 水瓶座3號人 2005年陪同事學塔羅牌,由此開始接觸身心靈。2006年開始研習占星至今,曾跟隨香港及海外多位大師研習古典占星、醫療占星等不同範疇。2007年開始認識彩油,當時因為一枝B15而停左使用超過10年。直到2018年在「共時」的指引下研習彩油系統,現為合資格彩油諮詢師。 再次接觸彩油時,終於鼓起勇氣,處理多年來積累下來的功課,也終於用了枝超過10年的B15,我感覺放鬆左了。 而認識彩油系統時,發現它與占星有關千絲萬縷的關係,因此嘗試從顏色角度寫下每粒星 / 每個星座與彩油之間的關係,讓大家可以從不同角度,了解彩油瓶子多一啲。★

Karma & Dharma by Mike Booth

Admin/ July 15, 2020/ Rainbow

(a transcript from teacher’s 2 in Thailand, November 2002) As part of the introduction to the teacher’s 2 course, Mike discussed the phrase ‘you are the colours you choose’ and its significance within Aura-Soma from the perspective of Karma and Dharma. Several of the teachers requested that it be printed in the newsletter, saying that they found it a very

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2009年7月29日 The SourceAsia

Admin/ July 29, 2009/ Rainbow

A Colourful Window to Your Soul   What can a little bottle of coloured water tell you? You will be surprised! The detailed information and clues about specific areas in your life can be highly transformational. You can receive clear guidance on certain topics that you have left untouched but need to be addressed. The system offers you a simple and

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